Grilled Nectarines with Maple-Balsamic Glaze
Prep time
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These succulent grilled peaches with maple-balsamic glaze make for a dreamy mid-summer dessert
Serves: 8 halves
  • For the Peaches
  • 4 (or more) ripe peaches of any variety, divided in half and pitted
  • ¼ cup pure maple syrup (or honey if preferred)
  • 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • couple twists sea salt, optional
  • For the Base:
  • 16 oz labneh/labne (see Notes)
  • Handful of almonds (or nut/seed as preferred), chopped
  1. In a small bowl, whisk together the maple syrup, balsamic and a couple twists of salt (if using). Allow the flavors to meld together, ideally for at least a couple hours before service (you can also make day/s ahead and store in fridge).
  2. When you're ready to grill, brush the peach halves with the maple-balsamic glaze (be sure to bring to room temp if in the fridge and give it a good stir first) and then spark up the grill. Every grill is different but the method that works for me is to get the grill good and hot (around 400F) and then reduce the heat to about 250F just before I put the peach slices on, flesh side down first. Allow them to grill for about 4 minutes before turning over for another couple minutes (or longer if you prefer softer peaches - the longer they grill, the softer they become but also, the more they will lose their form).
  3. Carefully remove the grilled peaches allowing them to cool to the touch. Place over labneh (or however you want to serve - options in Notes) - drizzle with a bit more maple-balsamic (a little goes a long way and you can always add more) and sprinkle with nuts, as desired.
Nectarines or Peaches? nectarines are a variety of peach with almost identical genes except for a small skin mutation that give them their beautiful silky appearance and smooth skin; otherwise these stone fruit share the same rich, juicy, sweet tasting flesh and either can be used in this recipe.
Options for Service: so many possibilities! vanilla yogurt, whipped cream (or a drizzle of liquid half/half cream), mascarpone, ricotta and vanilla ice cream (a' course) would all be great choices here.
What is Labneh/Labne? a staple in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine for centuries, labneh/labne is a thick and cream dairy product made from kefir cultures, which makes it especially nutritious. It tastes like a cross between cream cheese and yogurt and is easy to spread. It was a hit here.
Recipe by Inspired Edibles at