Lavender Rose Travel Candles (DIY)
An uplifting and restorative travel candle made from clean-burning wax and infused with essential oils of lavender and rose.
Recipe type: diy
Serves: Makes 1 x 4 oz (113 g) candle
  • FOR EACH 4 oz (113 g) CANDLE you will need:
  • wax
  • 2.8 oz (76 g) solid soy wax shaving for melting
  • flowers: *please note* it's important that the flowers be fully dry before using to avoid attracting mold from moisture
  • 3 or 4 dried rose petals (torn into smaller pieces as suitable) + 1 or 2 small dried rose buds
  • small pinch dried lavender flowers
  • essential oils: *please note* for a more subtle fragrance, use less essential oil and vice versa
  • 1 tsp (4.9 mL) rose geranium essential oil
  • ½ tsp (2.4 mL) lavender essential oil
  • ¼ tsp (1.2 mL) clary sage essential oil (optional)
  • 4 oz tin container + 1 wick (equipment listed in detail in body of post)
  1. clean and fully dry tin container/s
  2. place 1 wick in the bottom center of the tin affixing it with a sticker (see photo)
  3. place the wick holder across tin with the wick stem in the center circle slot position, this holds it in place while the warm wax is poured in (see photo)
  4. make sure the tin is now in a location where it can sit undisturbed for the drying period.
  5. weigh solid wax (i usually make 3 x 4 oz at a time but you can make as few or many as you wish using the amount needed for each)
  6. transfer wax shavings to the metal pot and heat pot at lowest temperature on stovetop just until wax is fully melted using metal spoon to assist (do not overheat).
  7. remove pot from heat and wait 1 minute before adding essential oils to the pot.
  8. stir liquid wax and essential oils together
  9. gently and carefully pour the melted fragranced wax into the tin container leaving some empty space towards the top.
  10. wait about 20 minutes just until you start to see the sides of the wax adhering (whitening) around the edges ever so slightly otherwise whatever florals etc you place on top will likely sink (If you wait too long the florals won't stick).
  11. gently place petal pieces and buds here and there along candle edges (ideally not on top of the wick :) - you can use tweezers for this if you like - sprinkle lavender flowers on top. Don't worry too much about the placement, part of the charm of a homemade candle is the haphazard look.
  12. allow the candle to sit undisturbed for 24 hours before carefully removing the wick from the wick holder
  13. place the lid back on the candle allowing the candle to rest for another day or two (curing time) in a cool dark spot (out of direct sunlight).
  14. trim the wick down to about ¼" before lighting or offering as gift ♡ enjoy!
Recipe by Inspired Edibles at